Support of Federation of trade unions of Ukraine the basic requirements of meeting against the Tax code isn't sincere, inconsistent and overdue.
The theme of tv-programm "Own game. Maidan's business. The character of national culture." Points of perfermance have made the chairman of Federation V. Roi
>>The federation of trade unions of workers of small and average enterprise of Ukraine opposes acceptances in the second reading of Verhovna Rada (Supreme body) of Ukraine of the project of the Tax code presented by the Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine.
>>Introduction of administrative responsibility for hired workers for not informing of supervising bodies on salary reception «in envelopes» is attempt to force businessmen to carry out any wishes of tax administration in a question of payment of taxes in the budget.
>>For the Ukrainian businessmen trade unions are the trustworthy alien in questions of preservation and development of their business.
>>The labor code without preferences to the hired worker- it's nonsense ( impossible )… Our state squeezes out everything that can from businessmen, and through fingers looks, how businessmen do with hired workers just the same … This project must be crossing out and it'll be writing in another way.
The new Labour code should contain certain advantages of hired workers before employers.
>>Representatives of independent trade unions are henceforth thrown out from Boards of funds of obligatory state social insurance. Hundred thousand if not millions people which aren't members of the trade-union organizations of Federation of trade unions of Ukraine, are deprived possibility even the minimum influence (through the trade unions) on distribution of means of social payments paid by them.
>>Independent trade unions negatively estimate Vasily Hara's activity as the chairman of Federation of trade unions of Ukraine.