The 22nd of November
Businessmen demand Azarov's resignation, Tigipko and Brodsky.
Businessmen who took part in a protest action against accepted on November, 18th Verhovna Rada the Tax code, have made property of publicity the requirements to the President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, these requirements were made property of publicity on meeting by one of participants of the protest.
In particular, businessmen demand from V.Yanukovych immediately to put a veto for the Tax code, and for "a crime against small-scale business and middle class, задокументированное in the Tax code, to send in resignation of its authors - prime minister Nikolay Azarov, vice-prime minister Sergey Tigipko and the head of the State committee of business Michael Brodsky".
Besides, participants of the action address to local councils of all levels urgently to call the emergency meetings and to state an estimation to the new Tax code.
Now mass meeting of businessmen passes nearby Presidential Administration of Ukraine. A little thousand column of businessmen has completely filled street Bankovuju. Participants of the action constantly cry out: "the Shame!".
On the Maidan scan: we will not go! We will not go!
Businessmen who take part in a protest action in the center of Kiev against the new Tax code, don't intend to carry out a judgement and to leave the Independence Maidan.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, they have declared it in reply to the information on a corresponding judgement which was sounded from a scene by the coordinator of National committee of rescue of Ukraine Michael Ratushnyj.
"We will not go! We will not go!", - participants of the action of the protest cry out.
As informed UNIAN, today the District administrative court of Kiev has satisfied the claim of the Kiev city administration and has forbidden carrying out of measures on November, 22-26nd in the center of Kiev.
As have explained in the mayoralty, such decision is accepted "in connection with visits of foreign delegations from November, 21 till November, 24th, 2010...".
The authorities don't advise to involve militia because "the earth will burn underfoot"
Businessmen who protest on the Independence Maidan in Kiev, don't advise the power to involve against them militia.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, it from a scene in the capital center was declared by one of coordinators of a protest action.
"We don't advise the power to throw on us militia, to touch the people because differently at you the earth will burn underfoot", - the orator has told.
Thus he has noticed that to organizers of the action the information that tomorrow from militia, "changed clothes for other form", already done provocations will disperse on purpose present on the Maidan has arrived.
In a context of it organizers of a measure urge its participants not to be exposed aren't present on what provocations and to carry out only that they will be spoken by coordinators of the action.
Colon with the Maidan has gone to Presidential Administration
Separate groups of businessmen which protest on the Independence Maidan in Kiev, a column have gone to Bankovoj, to Presidential Administration.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, the remained picketers remains on the Maidan.
In Sevastopol have supported the ultimatum of the all-ukrainian protest action
In Sevastopol of close 150 businessmen who are present today near a building of city state administration, have supported the ultimatum which has been put forward during all-ukrainian protest action which is directed on a non-admission of signing by the President of Ukraine accepted Verhovna Rada the Tax code of Ukraine.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, one of organizers of the action Ljubov Ogneva has read the requirement of the Sevastopol businessmen to Victor YANUKOVYCH'S President in which, in particular, it is underlined: "We also, as well as present at Kiev, demand from the President of imposing of the veto on the Tax code".
In the document also it is said that "in case of introduction in action of the new Tax code, we will be compelled to protect the right to enterprise activity by termless strikes and actions of civil rebelliousness".
During picket the idea of creation of Independent trade union of businessmen of Sevastopol has been approved, active workers have started to make the list of initiative groups from the markets functioning in Sevastopol.
In Mariupol has passed meeting against the Tax code
Today in Mariupol Donetsk area about 400 businessmen held a meeting on the area under city council walls, stating support to participants of the action in Kiev which protest against the new Tax code accepted on November, 18th Verhovna Rada.
As informs the Mariupol site, present representatives of small and average business demanded from the President of Ukraine Victor YANUKOVYCH to put a veto for the Tax code.
The protesting have shown the resolution accepted on meeting to local authorities for its further transfer to Kiev.
TVi conducts direct teletranslation with the Maidan
TV channel TVi has begun a direct transmission with the Independence Maidan where the protest action of businessmen against the new Tax code now lasts.
As have informed UNIAN in press-service TV і, shortly before the beginning of a direct transmission of a protest action a premise in which located TV channel TV і, for the unknown reasons it has temporarily been disconnected from power supply.
As informed UNIAN, ТVі planned to begin at 18.30 a direct transmission of a protest action of businessmen of small and average business with the Independence Maidan in Kiev.
The city head of Berdyansk asks Yanukovych to put a veto for the Tax code
The newly elected city mayor of Berdyansk of the Zaporozhye area Alexey Bakaj (the representative of the party of regions) after 3 hour meetings of local businessmen under walls of the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies has addressed to Victor YANUKOVYCH'S President with the request to put a veto for the Tax code.
On it UNIAN have informed in the press-service of the Berdyansk Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies.
"Meeting of businessmen which protested against signing of the Tax code by the President of Ukraine, lasted under walls of the Berdyansk Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies throughout three hours. According to organizers, in meeting have taken part about thousand businessmen", - it is a question in the message.
In the press-service have informed that A.Bakaj has communicated with holding a meeting and has supported requirements of businessmen concerning imposing by the President of "veto" on the Tax code. After end of meeting of A.Bakaj has sent addressed to the President the telegram with the request "for the purpose of settlement of the social conflict to consider returning of the Tax code of Ukraine to Verhovna Rada Ukraine for repeated consideration it agree item 94 of the Constitution of Ukraine", - the press-service has informed.
In tent small town on the Maidan protection is generated
In tent small town on the Independence Maidan in Kiev for the night remains to 300 persons.
As correspondent UNIAN transfers, the rest of people organizers of the action have asked at will either to remain, or to come tomorrow morning.
Now the protection service generated from participants of the action, has surrounded the tent small town broken near стелы of Independence.
Also from the central part of a city buses with law enforcement bodies, except for 3 in which, just in case there are fighters of special division "Golden eagle" have driven off.