The law of Ukraine "About the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons - businessmen" № 755-IV
This Law regulates relations which arise in sphere of the state registration of legal bodies, and also physical persons-businessmen.
The law of Ukraine "About the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons-businessmen" consists of 8 sections and contains 53 articles.
According to item 4 of this law-businessmen should be understood as the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons as attestation of the fact of creation or the termination of the legal person, attestation of the fact of finding or deprivation of the status of the businessman by the physical person, and also fulfillment of other registration actions which are provided by this Law, by entering of corresponding records into the Uniform state register.
In section І procedure of carrying out of the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons - businessmen is fixed.
The section ІІ comprises all data on the Uniform state register of legal bodies and physical persons - businessmen as whom it is necessary to understand the automated system of gathering, accumulation, protection, the account and granting of the information on legal bodies and physical persons – businessmen, namely: the creation purpose, an order of conducting, data on the legal body or the physical person-the businessman which join in the Uniform state register and an order of their granting, an order of delivery of extracts from the Uniform state register etc.
In section ІІІ the Law of Ukraine "About the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons - businessmen" the concretized information concerning registration of legal bodies contains: reservation of the name of the legal person; documents which move for carrying out of the state registration of the legal person; an order of carrying out of the state registration of the legal person; The list of cases when refusal in carrying out of the state registration of the legal person is given; an order of carrying out of the state registration of changes in constituent documents of the legal person; features of carrying out of the state registration of the legal person which is created by branch and etc.
The section IV of this law does an accent on necessity of carrying out of the state registration of the termination of the legal person which is understood as transfer of all property of the last, its rights and duties to other legal bodies - to assignees as a result of merge, joining, division, transformation (reorganization) or as a result of liquidation under the decision, the legal person accepted by founders (participants) or the body authorized by them, under the judgement or under the public authority decision, accepted in the cases provided by the law. The legal body is considered such that has stopped, from the date of entering into the Uniform state register of record about the state registration of the termination of the legal person.
In section of V Law of Ukraine "About the state registration of legal bodies and physical persons - businessmen" there is a speech about the state registration of the physical person which has intention to become the businessman. In this section the accurate list of documents which move for carrying out of the state registration of the physical person which has intention to become the businessman is given; the order of carrying out of registration of the physical person - the businessman and refusal cases in registration is defined.
Section VІ fixes an order and cases of the termination of enterprise activity of the physical person - the businessman.
The section VІІ comprises guarantees of performance of this law which is provided with the provided responsibility for legislation infringements in sphere of the state registration.